Archive for the ‘Fifty years later’ Category

Pornalysis, chapter 1,will soon be a subscription only blog.  Any and all requests for past material, or future subscription, should be made to ( you know where).

Or. do what the petty, malevolent bastards do: get it while it’s still hot in Google cache! Cache in, before it’s too late!!!!

Then go rapeflate it, you fucks–but not without taking a piece of your own ass with you. And I do mean ass, in the pejorative sense.

I thank my faithful 2 or 3 readers from the bottom of my heart.

Ethan, I especially thank you, and yes, I now know what you meant with your ‘tornado/ grade school’  image/analogy. I was too stupid then to know, but I understand it fully now. My grand exploration is over. I too, can name names.

Lots of them. And the tornado, we agree, was a juvenile stunt of an ending, but necessary, despite ten other ways it could have gone. Imagine the grade books flying around! That might have been way more cool.

Great script too.

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To anyone else peeking in ( especially from sunny California, land of ten thousand clay roofs with seagull shit on them, and ATT switched phones) you aren’t as transparent as you would like to believe you are.

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Now:  Chapter 2 will focus more on effects, and less on cause. I will also give a nod to ‘origins’ in a way that will blow your socks off, and nod also to the geniuses, idiots, and day to day truth speakers who helped me phrase the difficult message I am sending.

I am not sure yet if I will nod to those who ‘came before me’ and were soundly lynched for it ( think ‘Injuns’, and settlers with ‘mail order brides’–and the hosts of the last ‘legal’ lynching in this state). After all, ‘we’ WERE here, or there, where they are all lekking now, and ‘we’ were here first-before their eugenic experiments.

I apologize for my crappy formatting ( you know the story), and move forwards with a wad of understanding in my pocket.  I move forwards with an understanding ( again, Ethan thank you for that dark moment of doubt, where you filled my pocket with bigger game points) that it really isn’t an honest world, and there exist those within it that can really ruin your day by association.

I apologize for my attempts to trust–I AM the weak link–you didn’t lie about that!  Fascism truly sneaks in, one justification at a time.

And I will heed that advice forwards.

Meantime–you were right here as well–the pogroms have begun, in places ( again–am I sounding redundant?) where I thought trust was more firm.

There’s a great story in the New York post about that yesterday. Swastikas, and ‘graffiti’ on sidewalks. They roll like that here, too, in sheep’s clothing.

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When feminist  blogger Jill Filipovic opened her suitcase after the TSA had been sniffing through it, she discovered a note, which said “Get Your Freak On Girl!

They had found an item related to something that always raises a huge red flag:

“The item in question was a small, inexpensive silver bullet vibrator from the sex toy chain Babeland, chosen because Filipovic thought it “wouldn’t raise any flags at TSA.” Now “I’m grossed out,” says Filipovic, “but it’s also hilarious.” The TSA says it’s investigating the incident.”

Ahhhh….those western women and their sex robots

Note found after the TSA had sniffed through her luggage, and found her vagina massaging robot.

Holla Mom

HollaMom, from Not For Pink Hats echoes my thoughts exactly:

Holla says ” What if maybe, just maybe…  she made the whole thing up??   Of course I do not know this woman but to me it’s a brilliant plan.  Everyone hates the TSA and wouldn’t put anything past them, so she planted the note at some point.   Because there are worse things to get harassed over then a $15 dildo and judging from her website she certainly wouldn’t be embarrassed about having this kind of thing made public.  So perfect plan right?  She’s the latest TSA victim, gets to yak and talk about it all week and her only crime is what… the fact that she brought a cheap drug store toy over to Dublin, big deal.


Well I guess we’ll never know.  But if she did plant the whole story, it’s a good one and it’s getting huge press today, which means she’s getting huge publicity for her blog, and mission accomplished….”

Yup. And Filipovic bought that vibrator in Dublin, apparently, which has recently  gained notoriety for Rebecca Watsons elevatorgate stunt.  Bunch of scandal engineering blog-runts…

In the age of the internet, feminists have taken to orchestrated publicity stuntsthat involve their…um….hunt for a wider audience. And the credibility of anyone who calls themselves a feminist is a huge red flag against credibility.

5-Year-Old Jhessye Shockley

There are several striking similarities between the disappearances of 10-month-old baby Lisa Irwin and 5-year-old Jhessye Shockley. Both children are girls, both were last seen in their homes. Lisa has been missing for over a week, Jhessye has been missing for nearly a week.

Police investigating both cases have been challenged by strings of dead-end tips and a lack of evidence in general. The mothers of both Lisa and Jhessye have made tearful televised pleas for their children’s safe return.

Right about now you may be wondering why you haven’t heard more about Jhessye Shockley, or maybe even why you haven’t heard of her at all, when Lisa Irwin’s story has been plastered all over the news….

More of the Story Here from


Baby Lisa Irwin has been headline news for the last week and yet I did not hear about Jhessye Shockley until yesterday.

I was too busy following the story of Baby Lisa, and the story of Amanda Knox–both white females. I was busy  following the pattern of women who cry in the media eye,  and are then vindicated later. I was focused on the narrative of the disappeared child.

The main difference? One of the children is white, and one is not white. And we all know what that means, right?


Occupy Wall Street is Coming to Minnesota.

But before you go look at video’s of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, please take a look at this video below, which shows you how the police infiltrate, wage violent campaigns, and co-opt peaceful, social movements with the Black Bloc, or this post, about how the police falsely arrested a journalist who won a 100,000 dollar settlement.

And the best piece of advice anyone ever gave me about waging peace? Anyone stranger, or semi-friend who discusses violence, or asks you about violence, or asks you to commit violence, is likely a police officer, undercover.

Here are Police infiltrating a Peace march, and then smashing a camera–bring your camera’s!! Camera’s and cell phone are your best protection against police who break the law. And police ROUTINELY break the law. This is what happens when the police are not policed.

“Saturday September 26 2009: Three undercover officers attempt to infiltrate a March Against Police Brutality at the University of Pittsburgh, but fail miserably due to their horrendous disguise attempts. During the march, one of them breaks a photographer’s camera. This is just one example of a larger pattern of attempts to silence the media during the G20 protests

The main tactic that police use to defeat any social movement is to keep you too scared to speak up, by wiretapping your phones in advance.

if you are a serious organizer, use a no-contract throw away phone from Net 10, or any no-contract carrier. Because after they listen in on your plans, they  conflate your peaceful intentions with violence. Any simple phrase will do, because police all speak pig latin UckFay ouYay becomes ” bomb hidden in a word package.”

And the police, more often than any group, or organization–initiate violence in and between any group of peaceful protesters.

Now–wanna have some fun? Go to youtube, and look up “police brutality G20”, or ‘ police infiltrate peaceful protest.’ I still have not been able to fully download or watch this video below!


I bet your internet connection slows down, or your videos don’t load right. Now go have a moment, and think about what your rights are really worth. But one of the personal “prices” that I have paid for my freedom to download videos of police brutality? The madness of a clogged, re-directed internet connections that time out, and make my screen flash. Crazy> Try it yourself a few times–especially on the eve of peaceful protests.

Notice the word “little” in this woman’s video commentary about Asian women, and her thoughts on men. That is “objectification in action.” Diminishing the identity of a race class or group begins with diminutive terminology.

And notice how she subtly turns a discussion about robots into a discussion about sex robots that challenge her concept of intimacy.

Ana Kasparian from the Examiner, and  Cenk Uygur, from the Huffington Post)

Then, notice how, after she turns the discussion about robots into a discussion about men’s lack of intimacy ( one of the primary complaint’s that women have about men), she turns the commentary over to a man, her co-host–who then proceeds to blather as if her hand was stuck up his ass like a puppet.

This is how projection works. This is how women use men as tools to voice things that they are too insecure to say about sexuality.

Who needs a robot when you have men around who act like them–and are controlled by them–and speak the words that they are too afraid, to say?

Men are tools, which is demonstrated by the fact that men represent 92% of all workplace fatalities, and machinery related job tragedies.[ 2010 stats here]

This is how some women use men, and those women will use you, too,  as a sock puppet,  parading their insecurities for them, instead of being accountable for what they say and do, or conflating a false sense of morality or imperative  into statements about sex.

Notice how Kasparian subtly ( the commentator, not the robot) infers that men prefer sex with inanimate objects, and in motherly concern-tones notes that it is a “problem” with men in Japan and elsewhere?

Why is it that western women are afraid of Asian women, and robots?

Actroid-DER, developed by KOKORO Inc for custo...

Most American women own vibrators, but fear robots--why is that? Image via Wikipedia

I mean, after all, women have been using vibrators since the fifties at least. Sex toys for women are du jour, poke, prod and click me for fun, and profitable, but for men? A whole ‘nother dialogue of shame.

I bet Ana Kasparian–if she is truly a western woman– has a drawer full of dildos, and a 10-speed vibrator–one she got from her mother for Christmas; and she snuggles with her poodle all night.

And Uygur–well, as above, a male tool.

This is where objectification begins, and projection takes its form–in the minds of women who compare, and compete for personal power. Who aren’t accountable for their own sexual impulses; and the tools who uphold them.

The white, western woman is blatantly co-opting an Asian  dialogue, or subtly race baiting to minimize our insight into her own racism, and sexual anxiety. Never mind that an It begins and ends with women who compete to breed, as they market themselves to you, or compete to control men in general through sex shaming rhetoric.

The real objective of some women is control of other women’s choices, and bodies in the disguise of “all women are this and all women are that” dialogues about feminism, using male bodies as tools of conquest. The  sock puppet of ‘collective women’  is actually a mask to cover in-group female anxiety over the  ‘othered group’ sexuality–an attempt to own the other through dialogue.

Western women are at the very core, afraid of being outsourced, or of having to  face the same fears that men have every time women’s rhetoric ‘others’ people and thins as objects.

Oh, that and maintaining the western woman’s right to parade in SlutWalks, and buy bigger, better, sweat-shop made vibrators. Imagine, comparing yourself to a robot…says a lot for where these women are at in their heads.

Original caption states: "Nobel Laureate ...

Wangari Maathai, the first Central Kenyan woman to ever get a doctorate, author of Unbowed, asked to be remembered as a person who was very concerned about the environment.

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 26 – Prof Wangari Muta Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate who died of cancer on Sunday night would want to be remembered as an environmental icon.

I will be reading more about the life, and death of Dr. Wangairi Maathai in the next few days, considering she is one of a very rare breed of women who actually was willing to suffer for her beliefs, rather than to market herself, or sell out to the military industrial complex.

In her book, Unbowed--available on for Kindle–she remembers her life as a child sharecropper–a child worker within a family of male AND female workers, who existed in  unfair economic disparity within the kyriarchical pyramid. Unlike western feminists, and their causes, she knew that resources are limited, and that to each his or her own is a mantra of the past.

But she also recalled her place in the human family, and the human tribe as one that requires evolution from ideas about divisive conquests for power and the oppression of others, to ideas of a world safe for every person in it.

She spoke truth to power, for which she was beaten, abused, and whipped like a slave, or a man–because she spoke out against the horrors of environmental degradation, patriarchal violence, and western feminism’s ever present matriarchal hunger, which demands more, and ever more of the resources of others.

She refused to “know her place,” or adopt the diffusive, self and body centered politics and the inherently flawed paradigm of western white feminism. She was always just to busy to waste time in American white feminist paradigms to engage herself with  “for-me-and-mineism,” speaking instead to everyone, and everything living thing about environmental issues that affect us all.

But I should just shut up, before I appear too much like a western feminist–overlaying every issue with divisive constructs of power, and selfish, sexualizing dialogue; and just honor her in the way she asked  be remembered.

This way, from Al Jazeera and Capitalfm, Kenya:

The Tree Mother of Africa and the founder of the Green Belt Movement, asks us to-

” record her as a person who was very concerned about the environment, “very concerned about what we do with the species we cohabit this planet with and one person who really felt that the humans ought to have a greater respect for other species than we do at the moment because in respecting other species, in respecting members of the human species we are more likely to survive on this planet earth.”

The Kenyan environmentalist, womanist, first centralKenyan fermale doctorate, and daughter of hard working sharecroppers died on Sunday night while undergoing treatment at the Nairobi Hospital where she had been admitted for a couple of weeks.

Her Personal Assistant Lucy Wanjohi said Maathai succumbed to ovarian cancer, for which she was being treated. She was diagnosed with the cancer last year.

Related articles

One Million Moms, an organization affiliated with the American Family Association, announced a boycott of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream over a new flavor called “Schweddy Balls.” The group said Friday on its website:

“The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive. Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket.” read more about offensive Schweddy balls here.

Original Schwetty balls skit on Saturday Night Live.

Apparently, mom’s everywhere are united in their stance against rum-flavored ice cream, and sex-negative feminists and conservative mothers remain united against testicles as well. They are protecting their children from Schweddy Balls ice cream because the name “Schweddy Balls,” makes boys and girls giggle.

“Heeheeheehee,” said one fifth grader interviewed for this article, when asked “what are you laughing at?”

“Nothing….heeheeheehee…and I can’t tell you anyways in front of her,” he said, pointing to a clench-fisted, dowager-faced, plump, red-headed girl across the sandbox.

“She will make fun of me and beat me up,” he said, turning red between chuckles.

In their statement One Million Moms ask that current and future supplies of Schweddy Balls be cut off:


Please send Ben & Jerry’s Public Relations Manager, Sean Greenwood, an email letter requesting that no additional Schweddy Balls ice cream be distributed. Also, highly recommend they refrain from producing another batch with this name or any other offensive names or you will no longer be able to purchase their products.”

They are calling for a boycott of the “Playboy Club” television show as well, united in their stance against adorable widdle kewt bunnies everywhere, and joining in the modern war on words and language with Gloria Steinem, who is currently seeking ownership of the Playboy franchise

I can’t wait to see how this turns out–because we all know American Moms can’t resist Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

Just imagine if we could get all of that female energy focused on topics that really matter…but who ever said any or all of the feminisisms cared about what really matters? There’s just so much false activism out there, and so many kinds of free market feminisms to choose from these days. Plus, real activism is scary compared to arguing over ice cream cones.

Ben and Jerry’s Promo here