Posts Tagged ‘Crime’

Is Frank Miller a Crypto-New atheist? A Fascist?  After all, he uses the label ‘rapist’ interchageably to label all protest or opposition.

That’s neo-syncretism* in action!

“The man behind such famed comic series as “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns,” “Sin City” and “300,” in fact, is entirely against the Occupy Wall Street movement.

“‘Occupy’ is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness,” Miller wrote in a blog entry last week. “These clowns can do nothing but harm America,”

more here, from the Huffington Post.

Miller, once believed that  ‘if you give corporations an inch, they will take a mile’, and even used the proverb on his book covers.  For a man who has gained notoriety by fighting corporations via the medium of comic books, and film, he is apparently a different person in real life–or does life imitate art, and in fact, his comic book persona is the real Frank Miller?

Miller writes at his blog-cum-fascist-propaganda disseminating tool:

The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.

“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached – is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.

This is no popular uprising. This is garbage. And goodness knows they’re spewing their garbage – both politically and physically – every which way they can find.”

But Frank’s commenters aren’t having any of it, and in fact, some of them are downright pissed.

Dan Calvisi, a screenwriter, aptly notes that Miller is a hypocrite, and a bully who has forgotten where he comes from. He writes that the war on terror has come home in a way that was unpredictable–Americans enforcing a moral code of silence–against each other!

“So how should the rest of us fight terror?” He asks.

Oh, right, by not rocking the boat. Never complaining, just stewing in our anger and writing angry screeds online and in comic books. Gettin’ the ol’ job done, aren’t we, Frank?[…]

“Remember the Frank Miller who donated to groups that supported creator-owned companies? The guy who printed “Give ’em an inch, they’ll take a Mile” in big bold letters on the back cover of one of his books? He was talking about CORPORATIONS, not big government. “

Today, Everywhere you look, crypto-fascists are slipping into every internet dialogue–but you would never know it, until it is too late, because their main selling point is the outwardly noble idea of building an online “community,” around an emerging syncretic use of the meme  that ‘rapists are everywhere!”

To fascists, if you are not ‘with them’ you are ‘against them,’ because fascism feeds on the primacy of fear, and eats everything in front of them in real time here and now, forgetting what lies down the road, or what seeds their boots are marching over–seeds that were planted in the not too distant past.

Fascists are like locusts, or as in Millers own artwork, flying dogs masquerading as superheroes. And in their minds, they actually believe they are the good guys–and they work hard to get you to buy-in to that message. They want that message in your mind.

But in the world of comic books,and the internet, sometimes the opposite is true of any character. The ‘good’ guy is the bad guy and …?

Frank Miller once said that if you give a corporation "one inch, they will take a mile."

Frank Miller once said that if you give a corporation "one inch, they will take a mile." Do you know your newspaper delivery dog?

That sounds reasonable enough, possible for most of us doesn’t it? But there is nothing reasonable about the methods they all choose to sell these messages: while community for some, means walking outside butt naked to get the newspaper, for others, it means having it delivered to their office.

So what harm is there when one  group builds community by walking around naked, and the other does it by upholding  privacy or power?  Either way, trapped as they are in dualism, it seems they all forget that some  others only use the newspaper as a temporary shelter to cover themselves while sleeping on bus benches…

Never mind the American political system in real life that frames everything in dualistic terms of a right and a left, white and black, male and female, gay or straight, as each ‘side’ seeks what they think is moral high ground. Fascism is an equal opportunity hate movement that exploits differences, and conflates meaning, because fascism is, at its root, syncretic, and unapologetic about it.

Frank Miller clip called ” Girls”. The world, and women are black and white to Miller

What defines fascism is that it is a unifying force that attempts to define a sense of community based on ‘us versus them mentality’ that precludes, negates, and actively discourages conversation, while ‘electing’ populist leaders; and actively seeks to silence alternative viewpoints with brute thuggery, usually directed at the poor, the marginalized, the homeless, the carpet baggers, and especially, those who don’t pick up an axe when told to do so.

Discussion is meaningless without context, and no conversation is context free– except the one where you dehumanize or otherwise stigmatize a participant or a group of them. Attempting to silence a participant, has such an effect, but stigmatizing can be much greater, in both the long and the short term, because the axe of fascism hides behind community. And dualism of religion, like fascism relies on black and white narratives.

Yet history shows us that movements which resort to such tactics are often short lived themselves–and  populism, with it’s ‘chosen’ leaders who most often speak syncretic ‘newspeak’, often end where they started–nowhere, and everywhere you look, as figureheads who will be ridiculed long after the movements they attempted fail, leaving a trail of actual harms that they have caused.

The root of Fascism is only as deep or elusive as your own day to day decisions within ‘your community’.

While many have tried, none have succeeded in fully describing or identifying the essential conditon of fascism. Or, for my point here, the essential pre-condition. What is this essential condition that enables the creation of communities that for whatever reason rise and fall on the merits of such ideologies as fascism?

I would like to suggest that the exclusive pre-condition for fascism to take root is that one has a right, a duty, or even, an obligation to enforce syncretism of beliefs , and the commitment to that expression of sentiment is prized above all.

Umberto Eco struggled with that definitional problem, and decided that there is not one defining character trait so much as a collusion of traits, but that of the 14 that he identified, only one condition need be met to allow the other conditions to coagulate around it.

A few features and group wide character traits and that I find useful from Eco are Disagreement Is Treason, Selective Populism, Obsession with a Plot and the hyping-up of an enemy threat, and especially pertinent to my subject, “The Cult of Action for Action’s Sake.These apply to the current situation, and Miller as well, if we view him as a real person, rather than a cartoon.

Marxist’s suggest ( as Marxists always do) that fascism is a right wing thing, that has a distinct tendency to ‘smash the working classes,’ and is marked by an authoritarian rule, and totalitarian policies. Also, they generally would not agree with the statement that “America is a fascist country” despite mountains of evidence to the contrary in recent decades.

Frank Miller at the "X-Files: I Want To B...

Frank Miller

Amadeo Bordiga disagrees with the mainstream socialist version, and posits that fascism is just  unexceptional, bourgeois rule, doing the sort of things that the middle classes do to gain, or maintain power.

And, most presciently and quite famously, George Orwell ( himself almost a cliche’ in such discussions) said that the word fascism and the word bully could easily be used in place of the other in any dialogue, because it had lost it’s currency as a meaningful symbol in a discussion.

So where does that leave us? where does that leave my opinion about Frank Miller if we can’t call him a fascist? He is not wrong that a certain percentage of 99%er’s are just there for something to do–taking action for actions sake. And maybe he is just kidding around. But I think he is wrong on so many other levels.

I think the best place to start is to say that Millers own work is almost to a fault, bleak,dystopian, and short-sighted, especially his view of women, all of whom conform to some form or another of the beauty myth.Films almost dark and foreboding to the point it leaves you depressed after a viewing ( Sin City). Miller himself; his views of the world, and the women in that world are  reductionist, and syncretic as well.

The Dark Knight Returns 002

Is Miller Just Joker-ing around or is He a Big Asshole?

Yet I like to believe that a better world is possible. And that a more fair minded community is possible as well. So do the 99% ‘s.

And in my mind, anyone who would disagree with that statement could be called a fascist–but that would be an inaccurate representation of the word because Miller doesn’t speak for anyone but himself. He is an individual with an opinion, albeit a potentially influential one.

But using the word that way dulls our collective ability to see actual fascism in action, taking actual action against others–because the fascists require a community of like minded ‘individuals,’ and then, they require a ‘popular leader’ who sanctions such activity. Those are the ones to watch out for, because by definition, fascists believe that they are ‘all one, only when they are united.’

So while the term fascism might be passe’ it is not less pertinent. It’s just taken a beating as a useful term. And the fact that the dualistic paradigms are currently in a bloody competition to co-opt or blame each other, and each defile each others right to speak, and some amongst them take actions that mirror what Marxists called the right wing, it doesn’t make them any more or less right–it makes them both sound more ‘dumbed down’ by the minute, more factually incorrect, more historically revisionist; more academically fraudulent, and more thuggish by their actions.

So, at the root, syncretic is a better word that describes this set of actions–this tendency to attempt to oversimplify, and merge competing ideologies is syncretic by definition; and then, to demonize and dehumanize legitimate protest  on both sides of the cultural divide to the point where you are willing to violate another’s sense of community is as Eco pointed out, ur-fascism. But perhaps, because their are other factors at oplay in the current dynamic, by both sides in the discussion, neo-syncreticism probably more accurately describes the emerging dynamics.

Add to that the idea of a dumbed down community that acts only on instructions of ‘authorities’; add willing subscribers to sound bytes mixed with dogma’s and ideologies or new theologies, healthy portions of cyber-space, splattered with cyber revenue, and associated profits of fame, and you have another word that could be added to make a phrase. Then, add to that a willingness–a desperation almost to destroy community as much as to build it, and you have a sum total phrase: neo-syncretic capitalism.

And even though on the surface they are not actively a fascist movement–yet– these syncretics ARE steeped in hypocrisy, eagerly dispensing  soundbytes, and winning over the short attention spans of men like Frank Miller, because, ironically, no matter how far to the right his dismissive statements of legitimate protest are? He is fully synchronized with the new-atheists, feminists, and the police state in the unified call that all protesters are rapists.

It looks like we only have an inch or two to go before the circle is completed–look at the new boss! Same as the old boss! and the new religion takes over the old one. But I won’t wait around: I have my own scripts to write, and they’re full of grey area.

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What do John Wayne Gacy Jr. and Sufjan Stevens have in common?

Gacy as "Pogo The Clown"

That other John Wayne: Gacy as Pogo the Clown.mon?

No–it isn’t songwriting, or sympathetic followings, per se–it is secrets, hidden underneath their floor boards.  And their polar opposite reactions to being sensitive men or sexual men in a society that has a problem with sensitive, sexual men.

Is Sufjan Stevens gay, or just very very homo-romantic?  I don’t know–what really matters is that he, through the feat of human compassion,  brought my attention to an obscure fact about a serial killer, the effects of  labeling theory, and the self fulfilling prophecy of criminalizing male sexuality, and rendering men as demons–before they actually become demonic.

Sufjan Stevens’ Ballad of John Wayne Gacy

Another thing they have in common is that neither  men ever knew this other man, Harold Wayne Lovell,  who was long thought to be  one of Gacy’s eight unidentified victims. Lovell was recently found alive living in Florida, and his surviving family members are overjoyed at their reunion.

“Tim Lovell and Theresa Hasselberg hadn’t seen their brother, Harold Wayne Lovell, since he left their family’s Chicago home in May 1977 in search of construction work. At the time, Gacy was trolling for young men and boys in the area. He was a contractor, and he lured many of the 33 young men and boys he killed by offering them work.” More story here

Youtube is full of videos about Gacy, but here is one with footage that I actually remember from that time:

The Gacy story touched me directly when I was young, because I grew up in the windy city, not far from where he was stashing bodies like a squirrel stores nuts for the winter– young male bodies, underneath his floorboards;  and he was one of the first “boogiemen” that I was actually afraid of. The city went into ‘evil gay boogieman overdrive,’ when his victims were discovered.

But it was the song by Sufjan Stevens some decades later that made me LOOK AT Gacy differently, to actually see part of him that I was not even made aware of: Gacy himself was sentenced to ten years in prison, essentially for being a gay man, and it wasn’t until  later, after he got out, that he became a serial killer.*

Such are the effects of sexual repression and oppression of the rights of human beings to have consensual, or private  sex;  and the effects of social mechanisms that selectively enforce the way our bodies are categorized, objectified, labeled, used, and abused by society. Such are the effects of mis-directed rage.

If Gacy was wiser, maybe he would have just taken a shotgun down to the local police station and aimed for a few heads. Silent complicity is still silence when it comes to oppression.

And American prisons are rape factories, with some 216,ooo reported rapes or sexual assaults per year. American prisons are routinely cited for human rights  violations by Amnesty International.

I am not a criminologist, or anything other than an amateur profiler, yet neither do I trust the profiles in any sense other than confirmation bias, as the constructions or the constructors and their interpretations of social reality are almost always devoid of causal factors that deny us insight into the society that creates them. We give the jobs to those who uphold the norms, not to those who challenge them.

Mugshot taken of John Wayne Gacy, taken follow...

Gacy Before society applied the label of deviant, and ...

I do not condone homicide or rape, or the rape of men and boys. However, it is not a stretch that one could  imagine that Gacy’s crimes were preventable, had society not criminalized homosexuality at the time. And the deaths of 33 men and boys could have been prevented.

I remember the first footage I ever saw of the scene of the crime, and I remember thinking “that could be anywhere; I could have been under those floorboards.”

But, now, looking back, I realize that Gacy buried a piece of himself under those boards as well, because it takes quite snap of the mind and lots of rage to do something like he did. I also takes a society that criminalizes male sexual urges as well.

Oh: what did John Wayne Gacy look like in his last booking photo?  What did he look like after his wife left him, he was imprisoned, and he lost everything that he had ever worked for? What did he look like after being imprisoned for consensual sex? AFTER the label of deviant stuck?

He was smiling that last time, in his last arrest– a strange, ironic, almost relieved and painfully annoyingly smile–the smile of an ‘anti-social sociopath.’

After the label stuck: The Smiling Sociopath

Personal notes for later thought: 1) The name John Wayne carries a lot of masculine baggage 2) False expectations on men cause sexual deviance , re: the diathesis stress model 3) society has a need to create a criminal class, and then, to police that class. 4) scapegoating males begins early, and often until they become monsters 5) I am against the death penalty even more now.

Below is a short list of how normal deviance is pushed by ‘normative’ social forces into becoming abnormal deviance.

* From Wikipedia: “On December 3, 1968,[27] Gacy was convicted of sodomy and sentenced to 10 years at Anamosa State Penitentiary, located in Jones County, Iowa.[27][28] The day Gacy was sentenced, his wife petitioned for divorce[29] and requested possession of the couples’ home, property and subsequent alimony payments.[30] The Court ruled in her favor and the divorce was final in September 1969. Gacy never saw his first wife or children again”

Do you hate getting beat up, raped, or otherwise physically assaulted as much as I do? (warning: the first link is NOT work or children friendly) If your answer is no–and you are a rape and bondage fetishist, or just curious go here.

But if you are tired of being afraid, try some Krav Maga–you can use more of what you learn with real actual self-defense in ten lessons of Krav Maga than you will EVER need to learn in ten years of Gong Fu, Tai Qi, or karate. Don’t believe me? Watch this video below.

There are defenses against hair pulling, bear hugs, chokes, and even being picked up off of the ground! Here is one example of a defense against a common assault: from behind, while loading groceries!

Did that look hard? It’s not! But the blogosphere is constantly buzzing with fearful dialogues about real, and often, imaginary rape, and women rally around rape anxiety, but how often do you spend the time to learn about self defense?

The best defense against rape is learning how to NOT get raped–how NOT to be a victim. Krav Maga can teach you more about actual self defense in ten lessons than any other martial art, and the last incredible Krav Maga instructor I met was a middle aged white woman.

Most of Krav Maga is based on techniques of actual street fighting–not theoretical martial wisdom, or ‘spiritual’ based disciplines. It is also one of the most adapted and adaptable forms of martial arts I have ever participated in.

And I bet you can do most of those moves you saw up there, too, but you just need to practice the more developed stuff with a trained instructor.

Well, if you live in the Minneapolis Saint Paul area, you will have a chance to do just that. Internationally renowned Krav Maga trainer Tamir Gilad , a Global Instructor for the International Krav Maga Federation, trainer to Israeli police and soldiers, women and children, is coming to Minneapolis on October 25th, but you have to register in advance, because his classes are popular.

Here below, Gilad talks about how he trains you–and the police that you call when you are in trouble as well.

The event is from 6 to 9 p.m., October 25th at Conga Nightclub in Nordeast Minneapolis!

For details call Gail at 612-558-2284, and tell her pornalysis sent you, or go to or send an e-mail to

Bare Naked Violent White Women Always Get Off. Amanda Knox--Foxy Knoxy-- 'innocent' like only a white female can be.

What do you get when you combine sexual desire, racist white women who fetishize ‘othered men’ and unexamined privilege? Amanda Knox, getting off a on a murder charge, of course–and really, really bad–almost terrifying–feminist discourse about the non-existence of white female privilege.


By Sarah Stillman – Special to CNN

There is something about pretty white girls, bloody knives and the slightest whiff of sex that gets the international news machine humming like nothing else.  All three factors merged explosively Monday in a crowded appeals court in Perugia, Italy. There, before several hundred journalists and other spectators, American college student Amanda Knox, 24, was cleared of murdering her study-abroad roommate, Meredith Kercher, in a sexually-motivated crime four years ago. 

Read More Here.

Meanwhile, when white women aren’t busy implicating black men for their crimes, they are still training in the next crowd of upholders of WFP, with ‘under-hijabid’ tactics–those white women can’t help themselves, they just have to get their socially concerned hands on them othered women!

Back in your home town, othered women are getting used to being not white womenagain. AND getting a taste of police hands all over their bodies. Why is it that the real rebel spirited women are all wearing burqas these days?

But Amina Farah Ali was wiretapped for ten months by the FBI, arrested and charged with crimes of terrorism– because she is NOT white.

Amina Farah Ali, wiretapped for ten months by the FBI, and arrested because she is not a White female.

And the white ones who actually kill, maim, molest, or otherwise do harm, get off all the time with a slap on the hand, or…? But here is a rare face in any booking room, in any city, anywhere–white women have been imprisoned in American jails less than any other racial, gender, or class of people–including white men:

Amy Senser, of Minneapolis, isn't talking about her hit and run homicide charges.

Imagine what we could learn if we tapped white women’s phones for a ten month stretch, like we do to the ‘other’ people?  Oh the crimes we would hear about!

But that will never happen because the FBI is full of white women; and feminist criminology, and examinations of women’s deviance, are centuries behind the times.

Maybe the other girls just need bigger tools to defend themselves with, or better lawyers. Or, these “othered” women should just grow lighter skin, if they want to get off like the rest of the girls.

America Loves Men--dead men, that is.

Duane Buck couldn’t have a more tragically ironic name than “Buck” considering how white men and women used, capitalized upon, hunted, and exploited ‘black bucks’  and how some white women today still refer to black men  in some way that echoes as ‘big black bucks’ in attempts to re-capitalize upon that racist image.

America has long loved it’s men to death, and Duane Edward Buck is about to get some love, American style. In fact, being a lovable man requires that you are willing to die–and you are more lovable if you are dead.

BIG BLACK BUCK, an examination of black buck stereotype,by Donnie from 2003. “Mama’s little baby is the backbone of that order.”

The death penalty is no exception to the truism of dead men. Here is the pecking order of who gets to be loved to death by Americans, and especially as concerns the death penalty.

race chart 1



America also has a sliding scale of ‘privileges’ based on race, class, and gender’ that puts all men at the very top of the list when it comes to being loved to death. It is a male privilege to be more likely to face the death penalty.

Of all who do and will face death and or incarceration in America, only white females are a protected class who seldom if ever are suspects in crime, or violence. All other categories of people face threats to their lives and their health daily.

Most juries are overwhelmingly white, and white women are disproportionately represented in the jury pools.

White men fill death row in greater numbers, yet Ethnic men or black men,  are MORE likely to get the death penalty, and even more likely to get it if their victim is a white and female. However, men who are willing to die to uphold white female privilege get extra points, and extra nookie cookies for their efforts at upholding white female privilege, at least while they are alive.

Buck, like thousands of men before him, was “unfairly sentenced to death based on testimony that was racially tainted by psychologist Walter Quijano [a Latino], who repeatedly told juries that black or Hispanic defendants were more likely to commit future crimes.

“That he made a career of such testimony would ultimately earn him a denunciation by the American Psychiatric Association. His reputation was further sullied when his pronouncements turned out to be dead wrong,” according to the Houston Chronicle.

To get an idea of how bad or evil Quijano is, keep in mind that almost all definitions of ‘what is a crime/or a criminal,’ define purportedly male behavior, and stem from the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-4 categorizations.

Or, in other words, the APA , which was once headed by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron who notoriously tortured mental patients, is not only a sexist organization, but one whose foundational basis and definitions of crime, behavior, and mental illness has at times broken all known ethical guidelines by experimenting on human beings like lab rats, torturing them, and testing drugs on them.

Which makes Buck look like he deserves a shot at life, and the system that convicted him pretty guilty. But it makes Quijano look like just another Adolf Eichmann, doing his job from within his own set of b dangerous, predatory  personal biases.

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On Sept. 1, 1939, World War II began as Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

What social climate made that possible? Fear, certainly had something to do with it, like the kind of fear that American women suffer from–rapeflation*.

Much of feminism is so conflated with fascism today, that often they cannot see themselves in that mirror. But Naomi Wolf gets a glimpse every now and again.

Below she discusses one of her experiences with a Holocaust survivor who remembers what things were like in Germany as the Nazi’s took power–and how eerily similar it is to America, 2011.

So why is it that on some blogs, especially blogs that claim to be feminist– can’t make the same connection between right wing policies of repression, and left wing actuation of that opression? Oh, that’s right–the brownshirts never recognize their blackshirt collaborations or excesses until it is too late.

All those little Eichmanns…

Also on this day in history, in 1972, American Ieland’s Bobby Fischer won the international chess crown in Reykjavik (RAY’-kyuh-vik), Iceland, as Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union resigned before the resumption of game 21.

Fischer, himself a Jew– was accused by right wing Zionists and fascist Jews of being an anti-semite famously pre-saged the hypocritical dilemma’s of the fascists and feminists in America, for which he was banished, hated, and maligned.

Bobby Fischer at the age of 17 playing world c...

Bobby Fischer: self-loathing Jew or reluctant, incidental prophet?

Bobby Fischer : “The United States is an illegitimate country, just like Israel. It has no right to exist. That country belongs to the Red man, the American Indian… It’s actually a shame to be a so-called American, because everybody living there is a usurper, an invader taking part in this crime, which is to rob the land, rob the country and kill all the American Indians.”

* rapeflation is a propaganda technique; the tendency of feminists and social agencies to inflate statistical evidence, and conflate sexual choice with sexual abuse, in favor of gaining funding, and sway public opinion to their initiatives.