Archive for the ‘War Porn’ Category

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Graphic highlights Pew poll responses to questions on the military

Perhaps you were out navel gazing, or entertaining useless parrots in useful, constructive spaces,  as the leftern front fell off the right side of a cliff, or arguing about vaginas and penises, when a Pew Poll reported that 1 of 3 veterans of the Iraq–Afghan wars thinks war is full of shitand guts and splattered brains–and oh–that it was a waste of time as well.

More below:

WASHINGTON (AP) — One in three U.S. veterans of the post-9/11 military believes the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting, and a majority think that after 10 years of combat America should be focusing less on foreign affairs and more on its own problems, according to an opinion survey released Wednesday.

The findings highlight a dilemma for the Obama administration and Congress as they struggle to shrink the government’s huge budget deficits and reconsider defense priorities while trying to keep public support for remaining involved in Iraq and Afghanistan for the longer term.

Nearly 4,500 U.S. troops have died in Iraq and about 1,700 in Afghanistan. Combined war costs since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have topped $1 trillion.”

In related news, Amy Goodman, an actual front-line journalist and heroine from Democracy Now, won a $100,000  settlement after being unlawfully arrested by police officers who can’t read the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

Huh? WTF is that? Your representatives of social order–‘ jus doin’ mah job perteckin’ freedum from jernilists, and there werdz.’

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The social self.

Dear enemy of freedom: start on the inside, and work your way out--but learn to do it nicely, you big bully. p.s. I am stuck in the middle between these two dueling lunacies of YOUR self and OUR culture.

Dear Enemy:
Is it you who let the cops brutally beat mentally ill people to death all over my country; you, who listen only to shame and fear based, ‘othering’ messages that only encourage a police-state mentality in America; you, too lazy to take back your cities and your televisions from the madness of fascist ideology that puts ever more police programming and  intrusions into our lives; you who use the U.S. Constitution to wipe your asses?

Well knock it off before I kick your ass, tear you to bits, bash your brains out and murder you! With words, pictures, and IDEAS…

Happy 9-11 everybody, especially all of the little Eichmann’s! Keep your eyes open for fascists. See one yet? Take a look in the mirror–otherwise get off your ass, and take action against the invasion of America by ‘Americans’…

U.S. Northern command stationed in the United States expands beyond Northcom?

“Are YOU gonna git out of the cawr?”

The duhfenders of liburty in small town USA, perteckin’ ya from terruriss’s. “we just do what we’re told.”

Mayors across America are declaring “state of emergency” imposing curfews, and martial law.

“No gatherings of three or more people without a permit.”–martial-law-over-police-woes/

Saddam shortly after capture by American force...

Saddam speaks from his grave " they came to cover up the CIA paper trail. Control the body, control the narrative. But some bodies--bodies of damning evidence of US war crimes--must be disposed of quickly..."

UPDATE: The United Nations and Libyan Rebels summarily executed Muammar Gaddafi October 20th, 2011, after he was in their custody. He was the longest serving U.S. and Europeasn “partner-dictator” in history, ruling Libya and it’s oil fields for 42 years. END.

Discovered Files Show U.S., Britain Had Extensive Ties with Gaddafi Regime on Rendition, Torture.

Human Rights Watch has uncovered hundreds of letters in the Libyan foreign ministry proving the Gaddafi government directly aided the extraordinary rendition program carried out by the CIA and the MI6 in Britain after the 9/11 attacks. The documents expose how the CIA rendered suspects to Libyan authorities knowing they would be tortured.” More here…

Dictator good if dictator help CIA torture ‘bad men’. Dictator bad if dictator threatens to tell. Good men torture, bad men tell. Got it.I am a feminist now–I understand the pardaigms of power over the human body.

So naturally, we bomb his country, and cover-up all evidence of United States war crimes that were perpetrated there, and talk about how evil patriarchy did it all. Have you noticed how every dictator that collaborates with the CIA  and America’s dirty war crimes, ends up dead after we invade his country?Control the body, control the narrative.

To the victors go the hidden war crimes.

Men might just need some cultural, or erotic capital to combat being turned into the war pornography that the powerful jerk off to, and swap over the Langley servers.  But one thing for sure: war kills mangles and tortures male bodies.

Gnu-feminism 101: Down with Patriarchy! Up with CIA exploitation of the third world! [following Gloria Steinem and Henry Kissingers model of feminism]

Or, like this ass fungus internet troll Raging Bee says about American foreign policy of installing and assassinating dictators “It’s way more complex.”

Yeah–torture, and violations of International treaties, and international law are complex and exceptional when YOU, or your country do it, but a simple matter of rendering “justice” when the other guys do it.

That is so reminiscent of Saddam being hanged–so Hitler hunkered in a bunker…killed himself? Um, right. I get it now. Collaborators must be shot…!

And I am no longer buying in to the paradigm of this mis-use of state power.

No, Hitler’s not dead : he is alive and well in America–I hear he became a DNA sample and donated himself  to the CIA; or he’s been cloned as Dick Cheney’s stoney heart…or is he actually Henry Kissinger...or Hillary Clinton?!

War crimes trials? That’s for the little guys who mess with the big diamond brokers to deal with, not U.S.

And Holocausts? Who cares about those, as long as they happen to othered people, a few thousand here, a few hundred thousand there?

Those tricky murderous spooks always keep us guessing! But one thing is certain: United States Foreign policy has taken on a distinct flavor of illegal and unconscionable covert activity that destroys evidence of war crimes, and is against the law.

And that hurts every body.

[Christopher Hitchens‘ trial of Henry Kissinger here.]

On Sept. 1, 1939, World War II began as Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

What social climate made that possible? Fear, certainly had something to do with it, like the kind of fear that American women suffer from–rapeflation*.

Much of feminism is so conflated with fascism today, that often they cannot see themselves in that mirror. But Naomi Wolf gets a glimpse every now and again.

Below she discusses one of her experiences with a Holocaust survivor who remembers what things were like in Germany as the Nazi’s took power–and how eerily similar it is to America, 2011.

So why is it that on some blogs, especially blogs that claim to be feminist– can’t make the same connection between right wing policies of repression, and left wing actuation of that opression? Oh, that’s right–the brownshirts never recognize their blackshirt collaborations or excesses until it is too late.

All those little Eichmanns…

Also on this day in history, in 1972, American Ieland’s Bobby Fischer won the international chess crown in Reykjavik (RAY’-kyuh-vik), Iceland, as Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union resigned before the resumption of game 21.

Fischer, himself a Jew– was accused by right wing Zionists and fascist Jews of being an anti-semite famously pre-saged the hypocritical dilemma’s of the fascists and feminists in America, for which he was banished, hated, and maligned.

Bobby Fischer at the age of 17 playing world c...

Bobby Fischer: self-loathing Jew or reluctant, incidental prophet?

Bobby Fischer : “The United States is an illegitimate country, just like Israel. It has no right to exist. That country belongs to the Red man, the American Indian… It’s actually a shame to be a so-called American, because everybody living there is a usurper, an invader taking part in this crime, which is to rob the land, rob the country and kill all the American Indians.”

* rapeflation is a propaganda technique; the tendency of feminists and social agencies to inflate statistical evidence, and conflate sexual choice with sexual abuse, in favor of gaining funding, and sway public opinion to their initiatives.

Did you ever have a secret you couldn’t tell anyone? Men and boys often do, and it is imperative that we learn to listen, rather than chiding, or mocking them, or making light of problems that men and boys face.

12 year old boy faces prison–and it’s all his fault. He should man up or somethin… [Especially watch the womans comment at the end of the video, about how he should rot or get raped in prison]

I probably ask some of the same questions—and come up with the same answers as you do when it comes to trying to understand why a young boy would take a shotgun, and blow a person’s head off. But for some, the  likely the answer is because “that’s just what boys do,” or some derivative of ‘ boys and violence.”

And I am not a psychiatrist; I don’t know for certain why he did what he did, but I do know a bit about being a boy, and how that can hurt in weird ways. Especially when they tell you that girls don’t do bad things.

This idea is perpetuated by academics who believe that boys are harmful to society. However, actual scientists believe that there is massive gender bias against  boys in mental health diagnoses.

Boys are four times less likely to be diagnosed with autism, and autism might even be a factor in whether or not boys become murderers.

Boys also suffer from the under diagnoses of ADHD, and a host of other mental health issues.

Homicide is an extreme example of course, but an example of ‘male ascribed behavior’ that is perpetuated through gender stereotypes and under diagnoses like the above links. In fact, most violence is described as male behavior, part of a cycle of socially ascribed male status, until a boy “becomes a man” and achieves the status of violentoffender.

Most societies still encourage violence in males, despite the primitive nature of such a sexist belief system. Even the San people, who call themselves the  !Kung- who are reportedly one of the most gentle groups of people around the world,  believe that a boy is not a man until he kills.

Violence is socially constructed, and engendered  as male in discussions of domestic violence, and in the enumeration of the symptoms of mental disorders as well–which could be viewed as a form of violence directed at men, and in the least is sexist. Ascribing violence to males perpetuates violence, and is an inaccurate and misleading characterization, because women’s violence accounts for at least half of all domestic violence, and also takes many different forms, especially when they are drinking, and sometimes takes the extreme forms that this boy exhibits as well.

And some of those forms are well hidden in the family structure, and under discussed in mainstream dialogues. Even as I wrote this, a woman said to me (and I hear this quite a bit) “but you don’t know if the woman hurt him; how do you know the father didn’t do something to him?”

There is little doubt the father ‘did something’ but also he likely didn’t do enough, or could have. And the thing the father shouldn’t have done is to bring a strange woman with two strange kids into the center of a young boys life without some professional dialogue, or a counselor to oversee the transition.

But the dialogue with western women never progresses that far.The ‘it’s mens fault’  speaker is set to high volume, playing that old record every time you bring it up.

I have learned that this primary western female responsibility-negation response is to be expected when discussing causation of violence. Most if not all women reflexively deflect issues of violence onto men, and ascribe the results to male initiation—no matter how gross and evil acts of women’s violence are, or what different forms women’s violence takes. I have even come to the conclusion that this behavior—deflecting issues of violence onto men—is in fact a form of female violence.

But violence is every bodies problem. For an example: the bear comes to the mouth of the cave!! Do the man and woman each stand up and fight the bear? Do the children who have legs stand up and fight the bear?? Of course they do, if nuclear family has any meaning at all. It takes more than one woman kicking a man’s ass out of the comfort of the bearskin rugs to kick the ass of the next bear.

Anywhere except in America, the nuclear weapons capital of the world, land of the replaceable Uber-man, the ever fertile cannon fodder producing woman, and initiator of more than five current wars! And except for domestic violence issues and rape, violence is apparently wholesome, and socially acceptable.

Never mind statistics that prove that women’s sexual violence against boys leads to aberrant male behaviors—like rape and domestic violence.

From The Invisible Boy Report: Re-imagining the Victimization of Male Children and Teens

Statistics from The Invisible Boy Report, Health Canada

So I have learned the importance of ignoring this type of diffusion by women, because it only and forever leads to blaming boys for how they were raised, rather than examining women’s direct and indirect violence against boys which makes them “men” who fight bears all alone.

Anyone looking in on such a story, without proper social context, would conclude one of two things: the boy was angry and controlling, or the boy was homicidal—perhaps a sociopath. Maybe both, and maybe neither. Nobody can disagree on those two things, based on what we know about violence, except perhaps psychologists, and well- funded, well organized (invested) , biased social observers who define certain behaviors as “male behaviors” and certain other behaviors as ‘female behaviors.’

It isthis gendered schema which is the root of the problem of domestic violence, and those who parade such ideas don’t just define, or perpetuate the behaviors: they create them.

But I will suggest the bizarre, and the extreme: maybe the boy was neither angry, nor homicidal. Because boys respond to threats and challenges differently than women do because they are enculturated to do so. And boys who respond to challenges with extreme violence often are over-reacting to remembered violence that they have experienced. Fight or flight responses gone mad, escalated to a point where there is no turning back.

Maybe the boy was being preemptive in protecting ‘his home.’

Boys re-experience past violence when they are challenged or threatened. The sensitivity that is cultivated in girls is discouraged in boys. So instead of resorting to tears, and tantrums, or being encouraged to discuss his feelings, or even incorporated into a body politic that ascribes them validation through ‘victim status,’ boys can become isolated to the point of making irrational statements of protectiveness, or independence.


Let’s play a game—whether you want to or not, but if you’ve read this far–you will play. I will give you an example, you will follow it: rock, paper, and scissors. You will pick one of the three.

You picked one of the three, right? Even if you didn’t want to, or you chose not to play along, there was one of them in your head—I would bet it was rock. But playing, or not playing–either one is normal behavior.

But I know you picked one of the three even if you didn’t admit it. I told you to pick one of the three. You had to pick one of the three, and whether you wanted to or not, you did. Didn’t you?


I personally would have picked option two—I wouldn’t have played the game, because I didn’t like the language that was used to get me to play. It sounds authoritarian, manipulative, and un-inclusive of my feelings.

And I cannot imagine what a boy might be feeling or thinking as he blasts someone in the back of the head with a shotgun, but I suspect he was remembering, feeling, or re-experiencing similar word games, and scars they had left on him, and possibly other more physical memories–after all, hitting boys is still common in American households.

But this kid is the kid who doesn’t understand normal, and his choice was “shotgun.” Shotgun wins every time over people who play games with your sense of safety (your rock), and your sense of expressing fairness ( paper), or your ability to separate the two (scissors). When grown-ups fail you on all three levels, there can be extreme consequences.

You might have missed this ground shattering piece of journalism about the widespread rape of men in the Congo while you were occupied with immature and divisive conversations about young white women on elevators, the death of third wave, man-beating feminist Amy Winehouse, or the Obama shuffle to the right in matters of both domestic policy, dropping the ball on both the budget, and the treatment of “terrorists”.

But remember how hard last wave feminists were wishing, hoping, and praying that men get raped?

They got their wish.

But men get raped all the time, and nobody gives a shit—except the men who are literally bleeding out of their asses. And when men get raped, it often spells doom for relationships, support networks, and medical help; much less faith in women as allies.

The rape of men

Sexual violence is one of the most horrific weapons of war, an instrument of terror used against women. Yet huge numbers of men are also victims. In this harrowing report, Will Storr travels to Uganda to meet traumatised survivors, and reveals how male rape is endemic in many of the world’s conflicts


“The organisations working on sexual violence don’t talk about it:” Chris Dolan, director of the Refugee Law Project. Photograph: Will Storr for the Observer
TESTIMONY OF MALE VICTIM OF CONGO RAPE: “Today, despite his hospital treatment, Jean Paul still bleeds when he walks. Like many victims, the wounds are such that he’s supposed to restrict his diet to soft foods such as bananas, which are expensive, and Jean Paul can only afford maize and millet.”

Statistics on the rape of men are almost non-existent in the feminized, westernized world, and even rarer in war torn regions, despite the available resources, and agencies that could help combat rape.
The Refugee Law Project, based out of Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda is one of the startlingly few agencies that have ever compiled statistics on the subject, despite the billions of dollars spent on that exact topic here in America, every year.

RLP’s gender officer Salome Atim reports that, in addition to the world wide denial of the existence of men who are rape victims—along with a host of other violence directed at them, and the incredible lengths to which western feminists have gone to suppress the data-wives who discover their husbands have been raped most often leave them.

“They ask me: ‘So now how am I going to live with him? As what? Is this still a husband? Is it a wife?’ They ask, ‘If he can be raped, who is protecting me?’ There’s one family I have been working closely with in which the husband has been raped twice. When his wife discovered this, she went home, packed her belongings, picked up their child and left. Of course that brought down this man’s heart.”
One need look no further than to Americas academic culture, science, and scientists, to note the incredibly disturbing trend in America, and the west in general to minimize or deny the pain that men endure in regards to rape is a social construct with damning effects.

The Guardian—the same paper that had the courage to publish Wikileaks documents, points out that “It’s not just in East Africa that these stories remain unheard. One of the few academics to have looked into the issue in any detail is Lara Stemple, of the University of California’s Health and Human Rights Law Project. Her study Male Rape and Human Rights notes incidents of male sexual violence as a weapon of wartime or political aggression in countries such as Chile, Greece, Croatia, Iran, Kuwait, the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia.”

Twenty-one per cent of Sri Lankan males who were seen at a London torture treatment centre [sic] reported sexual abuse while in detention. In El Salvador, 76% of male political prisoners surveyed in the 1980s described at least one incidence of sexual torture. A study of 6,000 concentration-camp inmates in Sarajevo found that 80% of men reported having been raped.”
As well, many if not all reports of rape-culture formation directed at males has been left out of the literature as pertains to American social policy, as in the case of the CIA’s projects MKULTRA and MKMONARCH.[…]

These numbers are not at all unusual, nor is evidence that men are rape victims in any way an unknown phenomenon, as Jewish and Christian culture has long been known for sexually mutilating men in war and in times of peace[biblical quote about foreskins]; but what is remarkable is how hard and how desperately American women’s groups, feminists, and liberals in general ( the same people who brought us the rape culture analysis) have worked hard to minimize this fact, and keep it out of the literature.

And unlike women who survive rape, male survivors are secondarily and summarily punished in myriad ways.

The Guardian reports that “In Uganda, survivors are at risk of arrest by police, as they are likely to assume that they’re gay – a crime in this country and in 38 of the 53 African nations. They will probably be ostracized [sic] by friends, rejected by family and turned away by the UN and the myriad international NGOs that are equipped, trained and ready to help women. They are wounded, isolated and in danger.”

Making matters worse, documentary evidence of the rape of men is always overlooked, and underfunded, “although a rare 2010 survey, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that 22% of men and 30% of women in Eastern Congo reported conflict-related sexual violence.”

Whereas second wave feminists lauded and oddly, laughed at and approved of women cutting off men’s penises[..], and adulated the original Vagina Monologues rape of a 13 year old girl by a woman, they ensured that the rape of men would continue as a social policy, and even today, work against the safety of women, and the men who know them.

Stemple says that “International human rights law leaves out men in nearly all instruments designed to address sexual violence,” she continues. “The UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000 treats wartime sexual violence as something that only impacts on women and girls… Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced $44m to implement this resolution. Because of its entirely exclusive focus on female victims, it seems unlikely that any of these new funds will reach the thousands of men and boys who suffer from this kind of abuse. Ignoring male rape not only neglects men, it also harms women by reinforcing a viewpoint that equates ‘female’ with ‘victim’, thus hampering our ability to see women as strong and empowered.”

Based on Stemple’s data, the preponderance of women invested in rape prevention and social reform, one could even posit that the rape of men is a deliberate social policy in all structures of power, because whether that power is female, or male, it leads to rape.

Other indicators, like the perpetuation of the American prison system and its enormous growth have been piggy-backed onto the political success of women’s groups in generating funding for public fear campaigns that are in essence, a marriage between the police and women’s groups, like the Take Back the Night campaign, or the current round of inflated statistics on sexual exploitation .

American prisons are rape factories, by design, and either women’s groups in America have worked hard to ensure that they stay that way, women have chosen to be part of a campaign of violence against men that is so insidious it demands the suspension of belief in women’s movements.

Ironically, George W. Bush, a white male and a conservative Republican who upheld the rapes of men at Abu Ghraib—as did many Democrats–has been the only world leader to ever publicly go on record and denounce prison rape.