Archive for the ‘Asian porn’ Category

Graphic highlights Pew poll responses to questions on the military

Perhaps you were out navel gazing, or entertaining useless parrots in useful, constructive spaces,  as the leftern front fell off the right side of a cliff, or arguing about vaginas and penises, when a Pew Poll reported that 1 of 3 veterans of the Iraq–Afghan wars thinks war is full of shitand guts and splattered brains–and oh–that it was a waste of time as well.

More below:

WASHINGTON (AP) — One in three U.S. veterans of the post-9/11 military believes the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting, and a majority think that after 10 years of combat America should be focusing less on foreign affairs and more on its own problems, according to an opinion survey released Wednesday.

The findings highlight a dilemma for the Obama administration and Congress as they struggle to shrink the government’s huge budget deficits and reconsider defense priorities while trying to keep public support for remaining involved in Iraq and Afghanistan for the longer term.

Nearly 4,500 U.S. troops have died in Iraq and about 1,700 in Afghanistan. Combined war costs since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have topped $1 trillion.”

In related news, Amy Goodman, an actual front-line journalist and heroine from Democracy Now, won a $100,000  settlement after being unlawfully arrested by police officers who can’t read the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

Huh? WTF is that? Your representatives of social order–‘ jus doin’ mah job perteckin’ freedum from jernilists, and there werdz.’

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”]Photograph by Wanda. A RealDoll with face #11

Some women HATE robots, and some think robots are a sexual threat to women who sell, and barter sex, against the interests of your independence from women.

That kind of woman benefits when male, violence oriented, female dependent robots rape and kill people, like Donald Rumsfeld, et al.

Does the fact that we barely even now have a male pill, and the other fact–which is that women–and maybe even your mom– have been vibrating their vagina’s with battery powered dildos since at least the 60’s–contravene the possibility that female looking sex robots can satisfy men more than real women, who prefer dildos, real men, or who cut deals with Donald Rumsfeld?

If anything, the ethical debate should be the price point. Women can buy a vibrator for anywhere from 10 bucks to a cool Ben Franklin. But a sex robot for men? Think ‘used car’  price range.

I am wondering: what kind of women are so desperate for penis that they need to invent ways to attract male attention to themselves? Aren’t false rape claims enough?

Are women generally cannibalistic, craving male flesh in odd ways? You can ask a scientist, here.

But at what point do we say that some women’s obsessions with controlling penises is cannibalistic, or just, um…weird, possessive,  and– controlling? Aren’t the boys that women raise together enough of a sperm supply for that kind of woman to share, so that robots should be seen as what they are, mere machines?

I bet the ones gnashing their teeth are the women who are competing with robots for sexual attention, the white middle class, and gender feminists,. who routinely try to speak for womenof color as if what affects white women affects all women.

Important feminist topics–like SEX ROBOTS

Compare this video below with Roxxy, the white woman sex robot in the picture above, and ask yourself: Isn’t a world full of Roxxy’s scary as hell, and kind of creepy compared to an Aiko?

The women who try to legislate sex must be the scared and illogical ones, the mean girls, or the real inwardly ugly girls, or the white ones who feel like their privilege is fading away, or just getting old. Or maybe they are women who are tired of selling it, and realize the market no longer demands whatever they “have to offer.”

And they are likely the same ones who pimp us young girls in fashion, and then stand back and act appalled, and claim the kid was ‘sexualized’

Modern feminists: they’re so confused…

Either way, it seems Asian men are way past us in robotics, and redefining possibilities beyond droll, sperm donating competitions for companionship with white or westernized women, and their definitions of “family” [read: woman in possession of house, car, bank account, and child; man in possession of none of his right mind, or an awareness of the exponential value of his own sperm].

But really: so-called feminists, and fauxminists defending false rape accusers and legislating or moralizing over robo-sex?? Shit, what will they say if every time I broke out my high powered electric wood sander I get a little to close to the sanding table; or whether or not my Vespa‘s muffler is too loose?–and will there soon be warning labels on vacuum cleaners too?


I am sure that label will be immediately understood by this latest crop of young men raised by fauxminists and manginas, who willingly–at least, as willingly as young boys who were primarily raised by women can be willing– legislate their own sexual safety and sexual rights away– but it doesn’t do much for the rest of human kind.

Defending false rape accusers, or conflating robo-sex with rights is tantamount to defending rapists, or defending Donald Rumsfeld,who authorized the torture of innocent United States civilians.

In fact, defending false rape accusers is WORSE than defending rapists because criminals at least are protected by legal guarantees against slander, whereas false rape accusers–who are criminals–are defended by anonymity, the western burqa.

Because defending false rape accusers takes place outside the courts, and inside the realm of ‘public opinion,’ meaning innocent men who are accused of rape, are tried outside the legal process, while false rape accusers are protected with legal anonymity.( except here, where I shame them)

Men who are falsely accused of rape are left open to attack, because every false rape claim is the legal equivalent of ‘extra-legal’, socially approved slander, with the accused being paraded through perp-walks,and newspaper headlines, until a phony case is dismissed. A brilliant feminist strategy of destroying men, but a sad error of legal reasoning that needs redress.

And equating frisky fingers with rape is just plain old sex-negative, money, and jealousy based radical feminist ideology.

[Update: Prosecutors are dropping any and all charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn as I write this. He was accused of rape by Naffisatou Diallo, a woman who has admitted connections to laundering drug money, and falsely claiming that she was a rape victim in other countries]

But there still is NO WAY you can defend Donald Rumsfeld, because people who are above the law–where the rest of us live–are not deserving of the protections of the law.

So, if sex robots are a big issue, maybe we can invent one to soothe Donald Rumsfelds aching ass–G-d knows it needs a discussion about ethics.


My god is this woman cute. Or is this a woman-girl?? I CAN’T TELL, AND I DON’T CARE.  SHE IS TAKING A PICTURE OF HERSELF, which is alright with me.

Woman, or girl? Who cares: she snapped this picture herself. Keep your filthy warporn hands off of her.

Did the photographer get a consent form? Is she a child pornographer—taking pictures of herself?

Sure, her boobies are womanly boobiez, but that face!! It’s a baby face!! Is it a woman or is it a girl?? Am I feeling guilt and shame!?!

I don’t know myself…let me ask an American feminist, or a junk science dealer like the Womens Funding Network, because they are tools of the warporn industry who mix truth with lies, and always minimize the death, rape, violence and death directed at men, while trying to gain a foothold into other women’s lives.

Their sole purpose is to distract us from actual rapes that America commits during war, against men, women and children because they are the women in bed with warporn.

America  is using rape and rape anxiety as a tool of oppression  in the middle east today–raping little boys and men, even though they officially deny it.

The real trick to working with the US military, contract mercenaries like Blackwater/Xe, and the CIA, while using rape-based social engineering  is to not get caught.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY: keep the people at home in the US distracted and fighting amongst themselves with disinformation and inflated statistics about the definition of rape, pornography, and child pornography by putting on a heroes face “fighting against exploitation,” while using tax dollars, and military propagandists to insert official falsehoods into Wikipedia that minimize the initial onslaught of rape and the ongoing rape of Japanese women.

The military is in bed with American feminists, and has even co-opted legitimate outrage by using disinformation and topical redirection of the very brutal nature of US rape during occupation.

Here is a military-front group posing as a concerned, information clearinghouse for information about  “US Military Violence Against Women.”

Go see for yourself. It is like a nasty spider of distraction away from the systemic structural violence inherent in US occupation, and definite deterrent away from real change. And keep in mind that any man who might have anything to say is, well, um, dead, or under threat of further US military violence.

Below is a great quote and a link to a site they seem to be co-opting in the discussion, and a thread of thought that seems suppressed in their collusion with right wing feminist perspectives of social control, rather than eradication of rape or oppression.

Okinawa is a place where the armed forces have
learnt how to kill and hurt people in close proximity
to the local population for more than 60 years.
This situation breeds a structural violence, rather
than one that can be understood simply in terms of
the crimes of individual soldiers.


Soooo…if Isaw the girl in the picture on the internet…er…womans picture…er this picture on Craigslist, I would call the cops to help save her from exploitation!  Then, only cops could exploit her–or some soldier on a military base in Okinawa, where all Japanese women are seen as whores, and know their place.

Or the Womens Funding Network, who surely has a place to put her in. They love to play with thins…like statistics.

And besides, just looking at pictures of women on craigslist can tell you that they are toooo young for sexual consent! This one looks so young…but who can tell with azians? Their so tiny, right?

I don’t know, but my actual biological impulse is to sniffle at her lips, kiss her ears, and nuzzle her a little bit on them cheeks!!…and then run out and find some guy to beat up cuz HE took her picture, an proteckt her!

Some ixploitatitive bastard actually KNOWS her( eeew I am jellous), and ixploited her…made her show her boobies to the world!! Gerrrrghgh. Men…

Or…was it a guy? How do I know it wasn’t some bookish, bespectacled little dyke who studies Japanese, and has a penchant for kogirls?? I don’t know, do I—the internet is a minefield of maybes; one never knows if one is being propagandized, showered with porn-love, or set up in some American FBI www.honey-pot.pornography.setup.

Oh, who cares—America kicked Japans ass a long time ago—it was all their fault, whatever went on there ( don’t even talk to me about how desperate the western powers were to get at Japan’s goodies, and “open her up“)–so whatever we do with their women is our business.

I am just glad that the Voice of America broadcasts [link] were able to help enable this girl to lift off her shirt, and show me her fabulous baby-faced-rack. Yummmmmi. Gooooooshy…..delicious, right??

And Fuck You Tokyo Rose—you were a feminist long before American women woke up and peeled their liberated moms face out of their diapers!

But now, to the victors….

NO!! Wrong! Q! She is a sex slave!! She is being exploited!!! Stop pornography NOW!!. Pernography herts womyn an girrrrrlz!!

On the other hand…ahem….I see why we went to war against Japan…..this doe-eyed kitty is the spoils of war, 60 years later….now if my big-mouthed lesbian ass can only capitalize on IT, and punish them exploiterz for tempting me with that adorable rack!! Gud thing we didn’t dump depleted uranium on her tits…and besides, we had no choice on dropping nukes on Japs—they asked for it!!

Now i’m gonna call the FBI an report some guy for exploitation, because I don’t want bad things happening to kids and womyn cuz of wut some bad man did.

America protects children from sex trafficking in Laos with a well developed scrap metal collection plan and provides economic opportunity for women.

Lao girls contemplete only a life as baby hookers upon meeting Americans, largely due to CIA sex programming.

According to the, Laos has a thriving economy that protects girls from prostituting themselves,which aids Americas quest to end child slavery and child prostitution around the world.

“But it comes at a high price. At least 13,000 people have been killed or maimed, either digging in fields contaminated with live bombs or, increasingly, in their quest for lucrative scrap metal. Half the casualties are young boys [ 6,500 boys are killed in Laos collecting scrap metal from American bombs] , most killed by exploding tennis-ball-sized cluster bomblets – christened “bombies” locally – that are everywhere.”

Local farmers are aware that 37% of the land in Laos is untouchable, because American military industrial waste—unexploded bombs—are everywhere. So risking their lives to dig up bombs that would otherwise kill their sons seems like a worthy risk.

And women in Laos see an upside to both the recent upsurge in metal prices due to China‘s growing economy, and America’s post-war scrap metal warporn policies, and Hmong women associates thrive in such an economic boom time that nets Americas newest uplifted minority almost more than a dollar a day.

According to the Guardian, the trade is “so lucrative that scrap dealers ferry collectors by truck to virgin forests every day. Sypha Phommachan, 45, need not to go to such lengths. Farmers around Thajok village beat a path to the scrap dealer’s door. A pile of fragments, casings, and mortars is all she had left after the foundry took away nearly eight tonnes a few days before.

In Thajok, a woman collects the remnants of American bombing campaigns.

“That took me about three weeks to collect,” she said. “That’s quite slow because it’s the rice harvest season and people are busy farming. In a couple of months they’ll be out furiously collecting to raise cash for the Hmong festival.” Yet she carefully inspects the bomb harvest, rejecting live munitions. She knows the risks. In the six years she has lived in the village, 10 people have been killed collecting scrap. One 50-year-old man died three months ago when he tossed half a “bombie” he believed safe into the wicker basket on his back. It exploded and the ball-bearings it threw out went clean through his chest, killing him instantly.

Which is good news to American feminists and the growing industry of female sex tourism, the CIA  brothels there and elsewhere, and the FBI’s mission of prosecuting CIA brothel clientele when they return to the United States, because more young girls are left fatherless, and available for Americas wider objectives of ending female child exploitation by foreigners who come to Asia for short term sex tourism.

America drops depleted uranium on children, which is probably better than what American CIA did to American children when they fed kids uranium for breakfast.


America protects children from exploitation by making them so scary looking that even Americans no longer want to exploit them.

America: keeping children safe from exploitation.

America: protecting kids by re-engineering genetic codes so that children become un-exploitable

By creating two headed babies, children born with cancer, or born with their intestines and other guts hanging out of their bodies;and arm-less and leg-less children with leukemia, America can protect children from sexual exploitation, and guarantee that middle eastern kids are too scary looking to be used to make sexual pornography, or be sold into slavery.

By ensuring that heir mothers and fathers are exposed to Americas depleted uranium fields in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and now Libya, America can guarantee these kids freedom–from their own lives.

Americas child-warporn is a huge industry. You might even have money invested in it. In fact, you would be surprised how much of what the United States is doing to these kids benefits the big pharmaceutical companies, the AMA, and you.

Freedom is guaranteeing Americans the right to NOT have to see what  kind of social and genetic engineering is being performed on children overseas, while ignoring what America does to children at home.

However, if you suspect a child is being abused by someone other than American social policy, the FBI or the CIA, report it to the American FBI–they love to investigate naked children, but seem to drop the ball when it comes to investigating  the war crimes that Americans commit against children.