Posts Tagged ‘Amy Goodman’

Graphic highlights Pew poll responses to questions on the military

Perhaps you were out navel gazing, or entertaining useless parrots in useful, constructive spaces,  as the leftern front fell off the right side of a cliff, or arguing about vaginas and penises, when a Pew Poll reported that 1 of 3 veterans of the Iraq–Afghan wars thinks war is full of shitand guts and splattered brains–and oh–that it was a waste of time as well.

More below:

WASHINGTON (AP) — One in three U.S. veterans of the post-9/11 military believes the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting, and a majority think that after 10 years of combat America should be focusing less on foreign affairs and more on its own problems, according to an opinion survey released Wednesday.

The findings highlight a dilemma for the Obama administration and Congress as they struggle to shrink the government’s huge budget deficits and reconsider defense priorities while trying to keep public support for remaining involved in Iraq and Afghanistan for the longer term.

Nearly 4,500 U.S. troops have died in Iraq and about 1,700 in Afghanistan. Combined war costs since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have topped $1 trillion.”

In related news, Amy Goodman, an actual front-line journalist and heroine from Democracy Now, won a $100,000  settlement after being unlawfully arrested by police officers who can’t read the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

Huh? WTF is that? Your representatives of social order–‘ jus doin’ mah job perteckin’ freedum from jernilists, and there werdz.’